Sunday, September 14, 2008

Prime Juice (Mangosteen & Goji Berries)

Prime Juice (Mangosteen & Goji Berries)

Just the few of the many reasons why we should start drinking Prime Juice

1. Extend your Life - Goji is known as the "longevity fruit". Its unique molecule polysaccharides and powerful antioxidants defend against premature aging, fighting free radical damage throughout the body.

2. Energy and Strength Booster - Prime Juice increases exercise tolerance, stamina and endurance. Helps to eliminate fatigue, especially when recovering from illness.

3. Look and Feel Younger - Stimulates the secretion by the pituitary gland of Human Growth Hormone, the youth hormone for a more youthful appearance..

4. Improve Your Immune System - Regulates immunity by commanding and controlling many of the body's important defense functions, enhances and balances the activity of all classes of immune cells.

5. Improve Disease Resistance - The free radical superoxide has been implicated to have an important role in the onset and progression of human disease.

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